
Summertime Sadness


11-14-2013, 09:55 PM
Ashanti Aranna

Let the boys come running

OOC: <3

The fact was that Asha didn't quite know what she was suppose to do with the facts she had. How was so going to go back to a pack whom she no longer knew. It was simple, she wasn't, and that was what led her to accept the man's offer for a home in his pack. Tortuga? It was a bizarre, yet not grotesque name, it was definitely strange and peculiar. Ashanti had tilted her head to the side a little bit, perhaps trespassing on this man's land was one of the best things he had ever done. "I'd be glad to be in a pack, it seems like too long I have been a loner." Her voice was rather shaky, trying to forget everything except for what she needed. Her eyes filled with a nervous glance.

When she had spoken, her words had come out wrong, it sounded odd to her, off in a way. The white coated girl had a small herb store that she had been hoarding near the base of the mountain, surely she should go back and get those, after all. Winter is coming. "I- uh, do you have any other healers? If so I'd really like to meet them, I'm afraid that my herbal knowledge was limited to my region, while most of the plants here are the same, there are a few that are quite different..." She didn't want to sound like a fraud, but some of these plants were strange to her.