
I Am the Sickness



11-14-2013, 11:27 PM

A grin of satisfaction would come upon the boy when the man finally would give in, quickly diving into the story behind his beautiful skull. The boy would raise a brow at discovering Grinner's old rank, a beta in his first pack, that was a good thing, very nice. Ears would be up and pointed towards the older male, not wanting to miss a single thing as they moved through the swamp. The knowledge of the man killing pups wasn't a pleasant thought, but Sal knew that it was a good idea, go for the young, cripple the enemy. People didn't like such things. When he would jump the boy would flinch, but then give a playful shove back with a low growl, but not of annoyance, just amusement. Closer and closer he got as he explained what was happening, hills going down his spine. Without much control his jaw dropped when the man said he ripped the flesh from the man's shoulder, the corners of his lips lifting in a grin. To be able to take someone out so fast and easily when he wasn't that big, it was amazing.

"A trophy then?" He'd finally speak after Grinner was done, tail wagging like crazy behind him as she strolled alongside the man. "I'd love to get one some day, maybe more than just one bone. What do you think would look best on me?" Sal would suddenly stop and hold his head high with a grin, legs would spread out, tail held high, his left foreleg would lift out of the water. This guy should know his stuff, and the boy wanted to see what the handsome beast thought would look best on him.
