
Tending The Wounded


11-14-2013, 11:52 PM

As she tended to the now blinded man, a voice crept up behind her, answering her questions. Bi-colored eyes turned, meeting the gaze of his mate, Ozz. A gentle smile tugged at her lips. "I'm Rayne, and thank you." The most serious injuries had been treated, so she obliged, seating herself down and allowing the woman to work on her own wounds. Audits twitched, listening to woman speak softly as she worked. "Yes I am, one of the two Lead Healers." Her gaze wandered briefly, seeking out her mentor. "You are from Tortuga?" The woman's smell was foreign, but she had come with the group of healers that had arrived just before she left.

Her gaze wandered back to the male named Tidus, watching his chest rise and fall. He would be just fine, once he accepted the fact that he was now blinded. Healers? The commanding voice the a pallid woman got her attention despite the noise of the crowded den. She had seen that look before. Deep pools of cyan had frozen over into a frightening rage that burned deep within the older woman. Show the enemy no mercy? Despite it all, a small grin twitched her lips. The older Healer still had a fire to her, one that was a force to be reckoned with.

Once her wounds had been tended to the woman would rise. "Thank you for you're help, it is much appreciated." She spoke not only of helping clean her wounds, but helping with the wounded during time of war. "I'll leave him in your capable paws." She would offer a gentle bump with her nose to the woman's shoulder as she passed, weaving her way threw the tattered bodies to find Erani. "Do you think it will be over soon?" She would ask in soft tones once she had found the woman, waiting beside her for more of the wounded to come.