
Tending The Wounded



9 Years
11-15-2013, 02:21 AM

Cael?s answer about Claire wasn?t the most satisfactory answer for a big brother who was worried for his little sister, but Alsander nodded. If she wasn?t in the fighting, and wasn?t in here getting treated, then maybe she was safe, though she?d probably give him a hiding for being over protective. She was strong, and she was capable. Cael padded away to Erani, who was just coming out of one of the alcoves that led deeper into the hill. He had spotted the albino Lady?s faint frown as he spoke of his opponent, and knowing his aunt?s usual train of thought, he could guess what this lass was thinking. ?Don?t worry, Lady. She?ll not be harming anyone else out there. She submitted and ran.? And much the worse for wear, but he didn?t add that.

As she returned his introductions with her own name, Alsander smiled encouragingly. ?Io. It?s a lovely name, Lady.? He watched quietly as she looked over his injuries, hoping that his leg wasn?t permanently damaged. The thigh would be fine once it scabbed. He?d be stiff for a bit he knew, but at least he?d contributed to the fighting and brought one of the enemy down. He blinked in surprise as her tongue ran lightly over his face; he?d forgotten about the scratches there. Her soft voice asked him a question. ?My family? Oh, we came from another land, about a year or so?s journey from here if you?re pacing yourself. It?s called Calarada. We came here, my brothers and sister and myself, to find our real father after our foster parents were killed. Well, we found him. He?s the Beta here.? The mist grey male was happy to tell Io about where he and his family had come from. It helped take his mind of the throbbing in his leg and thigh, and the dull pain where he?d been kicked by Renesme.

?Erani over there is my aunt. I didn?t know I had more family than just an unknown father until we got here. My niece Surreal was the first of my cousins that I ever met. She?s in the fighting?? And Luna?s Light, he hoped she was alright. ?So where do you yourself come from?? Came his curious enquiry. But he froze a moment, eyes swiveling to fall on his Aunt. She appeared serene, but there was a deadly stillness to her eyes, like ice. It was chilling, and he instinctively knew to submit to whatever she ordered. And she had words to speak. He lifted his ears and listened, bowing his head in acquiescence as he was instructed to fight only when there was no choice. The look in her eyes as she instructed the healers to show no mercy to invaders was bone chilling. His aunt was a force to be reckoned with, and he personally was glad to be on her good side. ?I am very glad she is my aunt and not an enemy.?

His eyes turned back to Io, wondering how she?d take to those words. He had a feeling that she wasn?t one who was fond of fighting, but then, was any healer? The two who had originally been there with Io both looked more like they were the fighting type. The larger Lady was so scar strewn he had no doubt she was a veteran.