
Bring you down a Notch



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-15-2013, 09:42 AM
Hati's lunge for Fermin's leg pivoted his body so that he was facing his opponent and on his feet once more. With his right hind paw planted and pushing him upward, he was able to get his right foreleg back squarely under him despite the burning pain of the bite in his shoulder. When Hati felt his teeth sink in, he gave a snarl of triumph and went limp with the intention of putting all his weight on the bite. Or rather, started to go limp just before the other wolf lunged forward. Hati instinctively dug his claws into the dirt to keep from being pushed back, but his sensitive nose was smashed painfully up against Fermin's chest, drawing a muffled yelp and making his eyes water. He couldn't breathe with his snout squashed, so he had to let go to take a gulp of air. He was immediately smacked in the side of the muzzle by Fermin's shoulder, driving his lip into his teeth.

The sudden stinging pain and taste of his own blood in his mouth enraged Hati. His jaw gaped open in a furious snarl. The blood dripping down his teeth and the black fur of his muzzle would have looked intimidating if it wasn't his own blood.

His watering eyes and the accompanying anger nearly blinded him to the fact that Fermin was continuing to move, hooking his paws over Hati's shoulders, but the sharp sting of the other wolf's paw bumping his shoulder wound certainly got his attention. The move had raised Fermin above Hati, but with his head angled to protect his neck there was no point in going for the throat. It also left Hati much too exposed.

His hackles bristling, he hunched his shoulders and pulled his head back to protect his protect his neck in folds of skin and thick fur. He pinned his ears down to make it a little harder to grab them, his eyes narrowed to give them some protection from slashing fangs.

But Hati had always been a firm believer in the 'the best defense is a good offense' maxim. He couldn't twist his head to bite at Fermin's side or legs without exposing his neck even more, and with Fermin's forelegs across his shoulders the older wolf would be able to easily move with him and keep out of reach if Hati tried to snap at his forelegs or face.

So instead, Hati moved the opposite direction. He ducked his head and dropped his left shoulder, pushed sideways with his right forepaw and reaching with his left, twisting so that he was nearly doubled up on himself under Fermin. This left his right leg exposed, stretched out as it was for balance, but he took his weight on his left foreleg, using it to lunge toward Fermin's right hind leg to attempt to snap at Fermin's femur.

He continued to follow through his turn, bringing his right hindleg up under him to pivot off, twisting himself further toward Fermin's right before pushing off to try and get some distance, hoping it would slide the other wolf off him completely.


Spar: Fermin vs Hati ? Round 3 of 4

Defenses: -claws dug in to keep himself from being shoved around

-fur bristling, shoulders hunched and head pulled back to protect his neck

-eyes narrowed, ears pinned back

- drops head and left shoulder, brings right hind foot forward and pushes off to try to escape

Attacks: aims bite at Fermin's right rear femur

Injuries: -bruised nose (round 3)

-gash on inside of right side of lip right over his canine tooth, bleeding freely (round 3)

-somewhat deep puncture wounds on side of right shoulder (round 2)

Notes: Took a while and it's probably crap but I realized this morning that I would have defaulted tonight so I threw words at the screen anyway.
Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
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