
The Storm Within


11-15-2013, 03:24 PM

Almost as soon as Yang sat down, the fea sat back up. She looked distressed. Yang looked her up and down, a look of concern upon hus face. What had happened to this yound life to make her feel like this? Yang's question was soon answered. As tge pup spoke, he listened intently. Sorry for disturbing you...I'm just...a 'lil upset. My home got taken away from us by some strange wolves, and then when we moved it got taken away again. It's not fair! Yang thought for a amoment before answering. My dear. First of all, you did not sisturb me, for I had nothing to be disturbed from. he chuckled softly I am sorry to hear about your home. I, myself ave suffered a fate like yours, although I hadn't lost my home twice. The only person I have left is my sister. He smiled softly at the pup. Not a tone of mocking or pity was in his voice, in fact the opposite. To go throigh this as a pup would change your life and stick with you all the way through. Life may not be fair, young pup. But you just gotta stick through and make the most of it with tho ones you love.

Speech, Thoughts, Others