


11-15-2013, 06:12 PM (This post was last modified: 11-15-2013, 06:12 PM by Deteste.)

[Image: 1675x8h.jpg]

Name: Minos

Gender: Male

Appearance: When full grown Minos will take after the best qualities of his parents. He will reach his mother's height be strongly built wolf with muscle focused on his shoulders and haunches taking after his father's regal appearance. Because of Minos' delicate mood he will often have difficulty keeping himself well fed and will appear at most times malnourished and lanky.

Personality: Minos will be a somewhat difficult and moody child but not in the fashion of outburst or misbehavior. Regardless of his lack of sight his greatest attribute will be his ability to observe and more specifically his ability to see the worst in others. He will take after his mother's vindications as a sort of knight but in a fashion skewed to his persistent need to judge. Intelligence will be his second greatest attribute and this combined with his ability to observe will cause the boy to be the greatest of informants and advisors when he comes of age.

Thus such abilities will drive the boy to isolation and many will find him in a state of continuous sulking. He will be quiet and detached in the presence of others, even those he is supposed to be close to. He will prefer loneliness to company as he prefers to be alone rather than to witness the vices of those he knows, as he is unable to contain his constant judgement. Regardless of his blindness and moody affect the boy will be completely self sufficient. Able to completely care for himself in every way. Most of his company will only realize he is blind upon seeking the reflection of his milky eyes.

RP Sample: The boy would sit in the cold of the winter wind at the mouth of the den in which his siblings played. Perhaps one could not say he disliked his relatives but they could certainly say that he had not yet felt compelled to have affection for them. Darkness would reflect back at the boy from his unfocused, milky gaze and in that nothingness he would build his own environment through his other senses. The howling wind sculpted the mounds of snow that had collected upon the gravel like ground of Tortuga into his thought and in the distance the sound of his father's approach would form his great bulk in the distance. Minos' head would turn, ever staring, ever speculative as the man approached yet silence would broach the distance between them. The boy contemplated departing yet again to pursue his solitude. But he had an inquiry, perhaps less a question than a statement, for his father. She's not coming back. When will you leave? he would speak. The sentence tactless and brutally forward. The boy would pause as he awaited a reply though he only needed to observe the man's demeanor in at the teeth of his words to obtain the knowledge he sought. It was his nature and he would conquer this inherit skill to the best of his ability.