


03-14-2013, 10:15 PM

Thank you Chesh ♥

A cacophony of demonic growls and seething snarls rattled her skull as she nudged the pallid chest that had been tainted with blood, allowing a growl of her own to resound from her parted jaws in retaliation to the threatening sounds created from her own temporary insanity. Setting metallic eyes laden with love upon the deceased version of herself, she bent down further to kiss its face, her growls never subsiding, but increasing in volume instead as she bade herself one last farewell. A voice, this time real, silenced the demonic rumbles within her own mind, though she did not follow suit and only toned down the volume once more as her skull flicked to greet the creature to which the vocals had belonged to, her body remaining low to the ground and still facing the opposite direction. Had she been in her right mind, she would have registered the words the sable woman spoke and would have felt a twinge of pride for the title the other had bestowed upon her and might have even offered a smile to the wench in response to the respect she had displayed for her. Unfortunately, her mind had flown far from reach and the alpha Taliere had spoken of had disappeared along with it.

Lust filtered through silver eyes that typically possessed no emotion, but the lust held captive there was not one of sexual desire ? no ? if the petite creature knew well enough the crazed look one possessed when they craved blood, then she would have noticed the same in Morphine?s eyes. Furthers vocals wafted from the other?s opened jaws, but the only thing that Morphine heard was incoherent, muffled babbling ? as if the other had spoken to her whilst a pillow was being pressed over her mouth. Throughout the woman?s speech, her pupils did not once dart from Taliere, nor did her attention waver from the wench. She stood rooted to the spot, static save for the rising and falling of her abdomen that accompanied her raspy breathing, that foreign smirk still plastered to her porcelain countenance. Once the speech had reached its conclusion without an intelligent thought from Morphine, she remained in her position for a while longer, simply staring at the creature that had been so conveniently placed before her during her time of want. Not a thought plagued her mind for the first time in her life; impulse had dominated her.

At last, she broke free of her trance, though her sanity had not been rejuvenated still. A sickly chortle flooded the eerily silent air in bouts as she pivoted to face the wench, the periods of cackling elongating with each second that passed by, her vision glazing over in crimson as a symphony of crazed laughter played within her head. Look there! she shouted through her laughter, addressing the imaginary version of herself as she inclined her muzzle towards Taliere. A plaything! Just for me. The final portion of her own words was less than detached, and, as she spoke them, she sprinted, full throttle, in the direction of the bitch, her ears pasted to her crown, eyes narrowed, and tail flagged behind her rump. As she neared the other, not bothering to skid to a halt or decrease her speed for she intended on a heavy impact, her jaws gaping and her mouth spewing saliva, she aimed to clamp down onto the muzzle of the bitch should she choose not to avoid Morphine?s stampede. This was no petty spar ? Morphine would grant this fiend with what they both seemed to desire: blood, and lots of it.

Speech. Thought.? 601 words.

{ round 1 of 4 }

attacks ? sprinting at taliere with the intentions of a heavy impact / seeking to clamp her jaws around tali's entire muzzle

defenses ? tail flagged for balance / eyes narrowed / ears pinned / jaws wide open

injuries   n/a
i forgot to ask: how many rounds is this going to have? c:
note   edited to fix round count.