



8 Years
11-16-2013, 03:08 AM

The skeleton male had issued a challenge to Collision, taunting him to kill him. Sarak stepped away with a soft growl, and let Collision have the foolish liar. A low bark was issued to Caerul, before moss green eyes swept the fighting wolves, and he slipped away into the shadows and slid along the borders, in time to see the big cat injure Obsidian, and the little bitch that had defeated Cormalin get away with hardly more than a bald patch. Canines flashed slightly as he watched her charge Syrinx, but fail a few moments later. Good.

Chrysanthe and the Albino king?s bitch were fighting, and moss green eyes narrowed as his alpha fell, bleeding from one eye. Then Azalea was there, carrying Chrysanthe out of the fray. The thickness to her middle confirmed what he had guessed. Isardis had impregnated her, possibly raping her in the process. His muzzle wrinkled into a silent snarl, eyes finding the king, hating him, but knowing he wouldn?t be able to fight the bastard. Azalea had never, ever wanted children. The knowledge that pups fathered by that slime bag were growing inside her must be driving Azalea mad. Glaciem would answer for this. He swept his gaze around the fighting, then slid through the dust raised by the fighting wolves, a target having been picked out. The grey and white female (Lova). He weaved through the wolves in the same manner as before, always keeping something between himself and his target, attempting to circle around behind her.

When he felt he was in a good position, he darted in, attempting to come in from behind, tail out in a balanced position, aligned with his spine, while his neck hunkered low into his shoulders, loose skin scrunching around his neck, ears flattening, hackles rising and eyes narrowing. He came in low, jaws snapping out for the female?s left hind leg in an attempt to grasp the leg at half point and sink his canines into the muscles or Achilles Tendon, before his paws fell into a balanced stance and he reared backward, attempting to rip her leg open if his attack had landed, and unbalance her in one fell swing. Tail swept out for balance, then tucked in as his abdominal muscles tensed and his hindquarters drove him forward as he attempted to ram her in the hip/rump with his chest, right front paw sliding forward and attempting to hook around the female?s right hind hock, which would possibly knock her down if he was successful.

His neck arched, chin tucking as he attempted to bite into her back or rump, before jerking his head away, attempting to rip at her back with the move, should his jaws have landed in their attempt at biting. Hind legs were balanced, toes splayed and claws digging against the ground for traction and balance, as he drove his head forward, jaws gaping to once again attempt to rip into his opponent's back.

~Fight Stats~

Sarak versus Lova for KO

Round/Move: 1 of 2

Defenses: Listed

Attacks: Basically trying to come up on her from behind and take her unawares. He tries to bite down on her left hind leg, aiming to rip out muscle or rip her Achilles Tendon as he rears back, then tries to ram her rump or hip with his chest and wrap his right fore-paw around her right hock, while he attempted to bite into her back/rump, and rip away flesh/skin/fur as he jerks his head away. He then attempts to repeat that move.

Injuries: A large chunk missing from his scruff, bleeding. A scratch on one of his legs (As he didn't receive the injuries in this fight, do they need to be listed clearly?)

Extra Notes: Sarak the assassin! (Edited to fix a minor typo. Nothing that will affect anything in fighting, as the typo was located before he spotted someone to attack)