
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star


11-16-2013, 10:57 PM

When a reply was elicited from the younger pup, the ivory masked she wolf smiled happily. This little one was quite cute, in her opinion, and was already quite mischievous it seemed. Soon a little growl caught her attention, and a pure ebony pup launched itself forwards, only to be swallowed up completely by the snow. The older dame giggled, her orchid toned optics scrunching slightly with the action. Soon another pup appeared, his voice in her russet auds mentioning something sarcastic and supposedly witty. Who was this youngster to crush another's dreams? But before her own ebony lips could part to put this one in his place, a snarky comeback was heard from the first pup. What a smart one, to be so sassy and yet still be sweet. There were too many pups and too many things going on all at once, so the russet dame's sweet alto voice rushed from her obsidian lips quickly, before someone else could say something. "Okay, woah. First off, what are all your names? Secondly, what are you all doing out so late without your parents?" She asked with a chuckle, turning her muted pink gaze upon each pup in turn, first the brown and grey pup upon the log that Isardis used to address the pack, then craning her neck slightly to peer at the dark pup buried within the snow, and finally meeting the newest arrivals sanguine gaze calmly with her own. Each bore little resemblance to her father, so she was curious to see who they were, though she had a sneaking suspicion they were partially related to her, simply based on their attitudes and the way they held themselves, even as mere pups.
