
My heart still beats.



6 Years
11-17-2013, 01:06 AM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2015, 08:48 PM by Alamea.)

As much as the girl was avoiding contact with others it left little more than time for her to be absorbed in her thoughts, which was not the best place for her to be right now. There was very little the girl could do about it right now. Self-pity, fear and self-hatred all swirled around inside of her with every minute that ticked by. How long she sat there she could not say, minutes or hours it made little difference to the broken girl. Then it came to her, a call, a voice. One she knew, one her heart broke for.

Almost instantly she was on her paws, moving without really realizing it. She was running, ears forwards to pinpoint the location of the call, pristine paws pounding against the ground. No thoughts were running through her mind, just raw emotions. They all flew by too fast for her to discern them. She did not know the lay of the land and so despite her considerable speed it took a bit before she appeared before the male. Panting she stopped before him a moment, he had suddenly appeared in front of her and no doubt she had done the same for him.

Her eyes widened some, not daring to believe it. Then, again without thinking, she was rushing forwards, towards him. She pushed up against him, burying her face in his fur. Wanting to tell him everything and nothing all at the same time. It was only after a moment that she even realized she was crying.

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