
Singing in the Colours of Twilight


11-17-2013, 04:05 AM

Legend's tail wagged slightly as the pretty female introduced herself. An uneasy flick of his ears presenting itself when the golden femme seemed to be on the defensive. A slight furrow of his brows accompanied the motion, and so he remained where he was and not daring to move any closer. His ears would find themselves flattening to his head, his body tensing slightly as she seemed to compare him to someone else's previous and past intentions. He met her blazing green gaze, his own cobalt blues seeming uneasy and unsure. Perhaps it wasn't a good idea to saunter up to someone so boldly, who was he to do such a thing anyway? Though he was somewhat na?ve, she hadn't seemed dangerous to him. But now? What if she tried to attack him because of the fault of someone else?

"I, erm...Sorry. I just...I mean, I honestly swear I won't harm you. I'll keep my butt planted right here to prove it. I could never hurt anyone." his words would fall in all honesty from his tongue. At the same time he would seat himself onto the ground where he stood, tail wrapped around him and his legs planted firmly in the ground. He didn't want to scare her, didn't want her to mistake his actions as someone who would attack her. Why would he? She was no threat to him, unless she attacked that is. But even then he wouldn't fight back. He could see that she had been hurt in the past, judging especially by her last statement about her mother. For now he would wait, and hopefully before they departed, he would have a new friend to talk to.

"Speech", Thought, You