


12-07-2013, 06:33 PM
OOC Name: Dyea
How did you get here?: Top Wolf Rpg
Age: 15

Character's Name: Elpraxia Invil'vay
Age: Two
Season of birth: Winter
Size: thirty-five inches
Appearance description: Standing an exceptional amount of inches above the ground, the frau is around thirty-five inches in height and a lovely length of fifty-nine inches. Her original aspect of fur is a pure shade of an alabaster hue, there are no splotches or shades grey or black upon her figure, other than the bridge of her muzzle/nose, that stretches half way. Elpraxia is mostly clean at times, usually despising getting herself dirty, for it is easily applicable on the shade of her fur. Captivating eyes of a mauve lavender colour, though at first glance it looks more of a somber cerulean then a lilac meadow. To finish up her attention grabber appearance mostly, around her eyes are 'c' like marks that are slightly a lighter shade than grey but darker then white. She is a beautiful female, and takes pride in how she looks, even if there was any sort of show down, if there ever was a moment she lifted her tail of dominance in the situation, there is a soft tan of a tail tip marking that's under her tail, not on the top of her tail like usual. The smudge of a light tan is displayed rarely, but, if one ever gets a glimpse, the marking will be shown.
Duty: Tracker