
One Step Closer


03-15-2013, 08:34 AM

As the dame sat on her light gray haunches no reaction was made to the rather rude comment from the Tasmanian devil peanut gallery. Oh how she wished what emotions she would have had towards that comment.

Show no negativity.. she thought to herself

Her striking aqua blue eyes landed on the small creature as she smiled at him. Why fight fire with fire when you can fight it with water. Oh how easily the creature could just jump up and bite her throat and never let go.The dame shivered for a moment as she remembered Poxiterxo's fangs launching at her throat. The femme smoothed out the fur by her neck trying to hide the scar. So close to death yet here she was, talking to Jupiter and her rather fiesty companion Mercury.

Hureia nodded as she acknowledged Jupiter's apology on Mercury's behavior after a disciplinary action. A compliment or possibly a save followed up after the apology. Pretty, did she just call her pretty. As nice as the compliment was she was sure there was no way that the companion even enjoyed her presence in the first place. But the dame could only smile and nod back at Jupiter.

Before replying she took in the last words the dame across from her had to say or ask. Huh,an alpha; rank did not matter to the dame that much. Each wolf is the same as another but who was she to think that.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Jupiter.My brother's name is Thane Tsarev but I haven't seen him in almost a year. He may think I am dead though, I hope he hasn't gone mad. Do you know anything of him or his whereabouts? If you do please share for I am worried of his well-being." she said in her soft silky voice.

So the white dame sat still on her haunches with her black lined ears perked up ready for an answer, however disappointing or great it may be.