
Sing My Heart A Lullaby



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
11-18-2013, 12:36 AM

Wary amber eyes watched the approach of the young man. Though she was hesitant to let him near, she felt that she didn't have a reason to fear him. He seemed much different then other wolves she had come across, even though it wasn't many. A small yelp would involuntarily breach her lips when he approached and began to lick her wounds. Although she had heard his soft offer to help, she had not stopped him from approaching her. Was it that she actually wanted help? She began to think that maybe that was the case, after all, she had been around much worse. And he didn't seem like he intended on attacking her...nor did it seem that he would have the capabilities of attacking her. Though she could always be wrong.

As his tongue swept repeatedly over her damaged leg, she felt herself relaxing. Her head rested lightly on her forepaws, ears half flattened towards his direction. Though she still felt somewhat tense, the majority of her body was relaxed. Turning to glance at him, amber eyes would soften slightly as she gazed at the gentle warrior. "Th-thank you..." she would murmur, not afraid but with gratitude. She could feel her sense of fear slowly melt away. Maybe there was hope for her after all...

"My name is Avalon. What's your name?" She wondered who this male was, wondered who it was that offered his help so selflessly to a stranger. And though she had been afraid, he seemed to have been equally afraid. It was evident in the way he held himself, his tucked tail and his flattened ears, and if not that then certainly the uncertainty that had showed in his eyes.

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