

The Judge


11-18-2013, 12:07 PM (This post was last modified: 11-18-2013, 09:59 PM by Alena.)

Jet VS Surreal

Round 1

CLARITY: 10 / 10
Clear post

None found

DEFENSES: 8 / 10

Ears pinned back, eyes narrowed, teeth bared, weight evenly distributed, wide stance, head covering throat, scruff scrunched, knees bent slightly, shoulders rolled forward

ATTACK: 6 / 10

Reaching to bite the back of her neck, shaking his head violently if his mark hit. Also trying to force her down with his weight if he bit the back of her neck or back. Also trying to throw her if his mark hit.

INJURIES: 9 / 10

Bruised chest

Round one Jet Total: 43 / 50


CLARITY: 10 / 10

Clear post.


Be careful about how you word your attacks. Also, make sure you recognize all of your oponents attacks.

DEFENSES: 9 / 10

Flattening herself to the ground, ears pinned back, squared stance, neck scrunched, shoulders rolled forward, chin tucked to her chest, eyes narrowed, toes spread, muscles tensed, claws dug in.

ATTACK: 6 / 10

Pushing on his left leg, reaching up to bite at his throat, chest, or jaw, wanting to bite down to strangle him or immoblize his jaw. Also jumping to the left to try to rip away what ever she latched onto.

INJURIES: 7 / 10

Brusing to her right shoulder, bite to her upper back, fur and skin ripped away off her back from her jump to the side.

Round one Surreal Total: 41 / 50

Round 2


CLARITY: 10 / 10
Clear post

None found

DEFENSES: 7 / 10

Ears laid back, hackles raised, head lowering over his throat, tail alligned with his spine, weight evenly distributed, eyes narrowed, claws dug in, toes spread, knees bent

ATTACK: 6 / 10

Lunging toward her right, reaching to bite, twist, and pull away her flesh from her right foreleg. Also clawing at her face with his right paw while aiming a bite at whatever he could reach to twist and pull again.

INJURIES: 7 / 10

Fur and skin rupped away from his chest

Round two Jet Total: 40 / 50


CLARITY: 9 / 10

I don't really understand how she lundged forward and missed his attack since he was coming from the front? Maybe should have said dodgine around him or something like that?


None found

DEFENSES: 5 / 10

Eyes narrowed, ears pinned back, tail tucked under her, paws squared, claws dug in

ATTACK: 8 / 10

Ramming into the soft spot behind his ribs with her shoulder, biting at his left hind leg, twisting her head if her bite landed. Also jumping away from him after his bite, becoming perpendicular with him. If her bite landed she pulls away to deal more damage and then slams her left shoulder into his rear.

INJURIES: 7 / 10

Bite to her left flank, flesh ripped away

Round two Surreal Total: 39 / 50


Jet: 83 /150

Surreal: 79 /150

And the winner is...

Jet! Surreal must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out and is now knocked out of the seige.


Jet - Skin and fur torn off of his chest, heavy bleeding and bruising, plus any possible injuries from Surreal's last post

Surreal - Skin and fur torn away on her upper back and left hip, heavy bleeding, brusing to her shoulder from slamming into him

This was a very close fight, guys! Good job on both accounts!

Bri: Just be a little more careful about how you adress your opponent's attacks. You have to adress all of them and be realistic about what will hit and what won't.

Drake: My only suggestion would be to branch out in your attacks. It was kind of the same attack again and again, which is a very effective attack, but it's not very creative.

Also, please note that I did not take into account anything that happened in the fight involving Ponti. It was just easier to judge the two rounds between just Surreal and Jet. Please contact me if you have any questions. - Shelby