


11-18-2013, 02:22 PM
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So, I'm gonna start a new family that hopefully catches on. They will be an Irish family, so the English they DO speak will have an accent, and they won't know much of it. They will have the surname Samhraidh. They will mostly speak Irish, even to other wolves, so if you get one, please put translations! If you want one of these, then you will have to post. But, some more about the family, because they have an interesting past, even if it's not very long.

These wolves were born in Ireland, from two wolves long ago who traveled together in a way to get away from their pack. But, the pack was hunting them, and one day the father went out to hunt. He was recognized by a scout, and hunted down, and slaughtered without mercy. The dead father, being a white wolf with purple eyes, and the leader of the pack was a gray wolf with blue eyes. The mother looked like the father, but they weren't related. The pack ripped the fur off of the father, and put it on the alpha. He followed the scent of the REAL father, and to the den. The mother asked him about pups, and he agreed to have them, because the mother wasn't very smart. After the fun was over, the pack leader left the mother with pups, throwing off the dead wolf in the process. But the pack stayed until the pups were old enough to capture. During one night, they caught the wolf pups and killed their mother, and they were raised as prisoners. Until one day, my wolf killed the leader, and the rebellion started. So they made it to Alacritis, but just barely. This pack will hunt for them, the daughter of the leader leading.

The wolves can look be anything within the colors. White, gray, both, for the fur color. Blue, purple, both, for the eye color. If you aren't sure, I could whip up some designs to choose from. But they won't be awesome.

The Samhraidh family is kinda fierce, but they seem more like the loving wolves that are't all murderous. If you want a wolf, just put an Irish first name, a gender, an appearance, a personality, and a rp sample. These will all be one year, and there will be three up for adoptions, who stay together.