
A secret meeting(Toprak)


03-15-2013, 11:56 AM

Tikaani's ears perked up to the sound of the call of Toprak. He was here, yes he was and not far. She begun to walk to the direction of the call. Her large frame was carried across the ground by powerful muscles that rested under her legs. How will he react to her when he sees her, will he be scared like he was of her mother, or did he become more brave in this situation. Her face had gained more scars since they had last meet. Tikaani looked as mean as her mother, but that was not who she was. Terror had just taken a tole upon her appearance. The scars stated the struggles that the two had throughout the year that she was alive.

Her head was low to the grown as she walked, it gave her an even more scary look to her. She did not like to walk with her head up, it was just to much pain that Terror inflected on her. Her green eyes soon landed upon the small framed male, she was indeed taller than him now, there was no doubt in that. She stopped in her place and raised her head a little to get a better look at the male. He did not change that much since she last saw him. Tikaani on the other hand went from a dark brown coat to a light brown coat. The only thing that was the same as to her appearance was the black bands on her legs and ears. Her eyes were still the same green color as when she was a small pup.

Taking a breath she walked a little closer to Toprak and spoke."Toprak" Is all she said as she came to a stop. This was it, how will he react was all to be determined by him. She was almost the same height as he mother, and she had grown to look as mean as her mother, but her looks sometimes make it hard to befriend anyone. Most will take a first look at her and then want nothing to do with her.