
Can't Stay Away


11-18-2013, 11:52 PM

His appreciative noises would tease her ears, wiggling their way down to her core. A throaty growl would vibrate his chest. Somethings never changed, including what turned her brother on. Had her jaws not been locked on his throat she would have grinned. Slowly her troubles and irritations would fade, allowing her focus to settle fully on her brother. She became acutely aware of his every twitch, every blink, looking for that telltale sign of aggression that always lay hidden just beneath the surface. She waited for the fight.

A guttural noise slide from her jaws as she felt her brother rock his hips into her. He would never pass up a chance to fuck her, and neither would she. You know I always will little sister. It was a rare moment, but she allowed her tongue to slide from behind rows of deadly fangs to place a sweet against the underside of his jaws. She knew now that her brothers emotions had been hardened irreversibly and never would he usher those three little words, even to her. But nonetheless, to hear that he still cared for her, after everything that had happened, eased any worries she might have had.

His growl brought her gaze upward, mischief pulling her kissers back into a wicked grin before curling into a silent snarl. She wasn't hostile, instead she chose dangerously to egg him on, to dare him to play her game. Her tongue would roll against the roof of her mouth as growls rumbled in her throat, jaws would unhinged to nip at his scar once more. She was trapped below him, his limbs like bars on either side of her, his hips continually rocking against hers, filling her with an illicit pleasure.

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"