



10 Years
Athena I
11-19-2013, 12:07 AM (This post was last modified: 11-23-2013, 02:20 PM by Phoebe.)

Soooo since I already had an account with the name Phoebe I decided it was destiny and I had to apply for her xD

Appearance: This fea is built like that of royalty. Her limbs are long and graceful, pulling her forward in long, smooth motions when she moves. She holds herself with a quiet confidence that doesn't boast, even though she silently knows she can hold herself above the general riff raff. Her body is slim, but strong. Lean, toned muscle wraps itself around her body, wound around her by years of careful training. Her fur is a soft blending of russet, gray, and earthen hues. Dapples of charcoal cover her back and a patch of creamy ivory graces the lower half of her muzzle and the area at the very top of her throat. The tips of her ears an tail are also a darker, deeper brown. She has avoided having any major scars thus far in her life, but it's easy to find the small scars that criss cross her body if one looks close enough. Some peak through her fur here and there, but for the most part her coat covers them. Her eyes shine like silver, bright, brilliant disks of intelligence that lets her personality shine through like true windows to her soul.

Personality: Phoebe is one of "those" girls. You know the type. The princess, the bitch, the fea that knows she is better than everyone else around her and is not afraid to let everyone know it. She is unapologetic in her confidence and will flaunt the good looks she was born with at any given chance. She is such a flirt. If an attractive wolf crosses her path she will flirt with him shamelessly every time without fail. She is as vain as they come, but she expresses this not by trying to keep her fur pristine or something of that sort. Due to the fact that she grew up with her family of warriors, she was trained how to fight and is quite good at it when she wishes to be. Thanks to this her view on beauty is based on how strong, muscled, or scarred a wolf is. The more proof of their ability as a fighter they have the more attractive to her they are and so she wants the same for herself. To a certain extent at least. She may be a self centered bitch, but Phoebe still lives up to her namesake's traits of being bright and intelligent. She holds this trait close to her heart and values her ability to work though problems and think her way though attacks in a fight above almost anything else.

RP sample: "I'll be fiiiiine, brother, shesh. I'll only be gone for a little bit, I promise." The princess gave her dear brother an affectionate lick on the cheek before turning with a flick of her tail to walk away from him. She rolled her eyes with a grin when he couldn't see her any more. No one was more precious to her than Atlas, but sometimes a fea needed to stretch her legs, meet a hot brute or two, and he was so dang protective! The russet fea wandered and wove through the trees, her legs pulling her forward in a graceful lope. She spotted a small pond up ahead and the turned her path toward it and stopped to take a quick drink from the clear pool.

As her silver gaze lifted up from the water's surface she spotted a wolf several feet away from the other side of the pond and instantly her interest was caught. A small grin touched her muzzle as she turned and walked around the water's edge to the other side of the pond, moving confidently toward the large, black brute that stood watching her, his amber gaze following her as she came toward him. "Well well, hello there," she said as she got close, her voice smooth and tempting. "What are you doing out here all alone?" Her tail gently waved back and forth as she stood barely a foot from him, waiting for his answer as her silver gaze gleamed with interest and roamed down his body.
