

Jupiter I


7 Years
03-15-2013, 12:06 PM

jupiter illidais

she drew her gaze about, alternating it between the two wolves she had spoken to. her ears pressed forward and she chuckled, endeared by their youth and their readiness to succeed and prosper. as long as they didn't go overboard with such antics, they were bound to get somewhere in this pack. their future looked bright, as did a lot of the other futures in this pack. a genuine smile crossed jupiter's features as she nodded to the pair, and remained as she rose to her full height, ears forward. the lass glanced briefly at frino, and decided she would discuss with him later about his rank, as she had to get this meeting moving. mercury stood as tall as his stubby body could beside her, glaring around as if he'd grouch away anyone who dared try and touch jupiter or talk while she spoke.

"a few things you should know for your life in ludicael," she announced kindly, idly shaking any dirt from her fur and wincing at the movement, but maintaining a smooth and affable timbre as she went on. "as expected, when it comes to the pack, you obey only me. her voice was stern and critical, but then she chuckled, tone lightening by leagues. otherwise, i don't care what you do in your personal life. as long as your actions do not compromise the pack or our allies and their members, feel free to do as you please." for what had to be the billionth time since their arrivals, she took in their appearances and recalled their attitudes. none of them looked or acted like murderers or rapists, so for now it seemed as if they wouldn't cause too much trouble.

"unless it personally relates to me, i probably won't interfere with your life. i don't care if you take a mate outside of the pack, but if pups are on the way, i require that you let me know. if one of you gals are the pregnant ones," she drawled suggestively, throwing a wink to luana, aria, and aztec and a mild chuckle, "congratulations. i request that the pups stay here until they are mature enough to choose a pack for themselves, and then they may do what they wish." she turned her gaze upon the testosterone-laden portion of the population. "lads, feel free to bring any pups to the pack as long as they're not kidnapped. but you wouldn't do that, would you?" she asked dramatically, pleased to be able to add some humor to the usual boring drill of pack rules. "i understand that some packs may require you to be in the same pack as your mate, and i'm neutral on the subject. should any of you find yourselves with the need to leave the pack for any reason, you must consult me first. i'm responsible for keeping track of my members." this last chunk of dialogue was more solemn, though its message was difficult to discern--a little cryptic, almost.

"trespassers are to be relocated to the border--by force if they violently resist--and the member that finds them is to wait for a lead rank or myself to come and accept the stranger if they seek entry into the pack. if they have other business, have them state it, or call whichever member they need to speak to. be cautious of those who won't disclose their business.

"and lastly, feel free to challenge for ranks. now, i understand that ludicael's lead positions are still open. i request that you challenge not for these ranks until i have filled them. when the time does come to challenge, please be aware of the nature of the job. for example, i'd rather not have healers fighting over the lead rank. i will oversee all challenges to ensure that a suitable wolf is still chosen in the end." she smiled. "and that's all. any questions? concerns?" mercury hissed out into the crowd for confirmation, prompting anyone holding their silence to speak in his own special way.

? 670 words ?

[ o o c ; ]
i'll change all of your profiles now~ you are all on the pack pages as well, unless you're frino, who has not yet been assigned a rank. you are also dismissed unless you are frino or marvel or another wolf that has a question or concern. ^_^ welcome to ludicael, loves! c:

also, for a too-long; didn't-read summary, just check the pack rules on the ludicael page, though she brushes a few minute details that aren't mentioned there. ^_^

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.