
Start of a new Chapter



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-19-2013, 09:07 AM (This post was last modified: 11-19-2013, 09:07 AM by Epiphron.)

It was quite a rarity for Epiphron or Maverick to not make an appearance when summoned, but she knew it had been answered by two of her children -- her only sons, in particular. Though they were polar opposites, exceptionally different in character and manner, they seemed to make a decent pair of friends, as well as brothers. Cassius was quiet, polite, and thoughtful with a mind that worked far more quickly than his mouth; and Quintus was a bold boy with no filter, who said basically whatever he wanted to. She knew his mouth would get him into trouble someday, but for now she would keep her distance and let the boys handle things the best they could before calling for help.

But it wasn't long before she realize the call, and the scent that accompanied the wolf's arrival, was all too familiar. Gerhardt had returned. It was not alarming that he had gone; Maverick had assured her his hiatus would be transient and that he would return soon. Of course, she had trusted him, a gentle smile painted her face as she began to make her way in the direction that the small group had gathered in.

The children growing in her belly was beginning to show, but she had not yet told her child -- nor any others, but it was becoming gradually obvious. Her gait would quicken, and after a short walk, Epiphron drew up alongside her children, gazing down at them fondly. "You two better be acting nicely to your grandfather," she said with a gently chuckle, leaning down to nuzzle Cassius. The last thing he would do was disrespect this man... or really, anyone at all, for that matter. After a moment of doting on her smallest son, she would glance up at Gerhardt with a smile. "I am glad to see you are well, Gerhardt. We have missed having you around."