
Tired of Being Lonely


11-19-2013, 12:13 PM (This post was last modified: 11-19-2013, 12:14 PM by Aislin.)

The surprise from Qanik was expected. Being out here for four seasons was probably unbelievable, but Aislin wouldn't mention how she did it. Stealing from other packs caches was not her cup of tea, but it gave her abilities of stealth. "It's hard the first week, but as time goes on, you learn things about the prey and about yourself that help you survive, and for me, I learned a few things and did a few things. Some things I liked, others I did not but I did it for the sake of survival. That's all behind me now." Aislin listened as she mentioned that she had not yet checked out the other packs, but inquired as to which one Aislin had her eye on. Aislin sat back for a moment trying to remember the name. "Ludicael it was. It is a pack based on accepting everyone with a strict set of enforced rules, but to me it sounds like the rules aren't too bad. They are a little deceptive on their strength and what not, which is understandable. To me with the variety they accept, it sounds reasonable. Jupiter, the alpha, is also pretty lax on what you do outside of the pack so long as you settle it outside and not bring it inward. Except for mates. That one you have to bring to her it sounds like." Aislin had spent the time to do her research and listen to the words from other wolves who had stopped by or were previous members, though most of it she got from the ravens.

"I wouldn't join the other packs. One has women as breeding machines, Valhalla is too goody for me, Tortuga is a broken pack trying to come back as a peaceful pack, Amenti is... disturbing, and Seracia is just too.. bland. Ludicael actually sounds like it would be a pack that I could benefit best from, and relate to other wolves like you and me. Not some wolf who believes in justice and peace in everything and is essentially a pacifist." Aislin didn't mind the wolves who wished for peace, but it was how much they wished for that peace that bothered her a little. Some could get overboard with it and annoying, which was a waste of time and others used too little of it and could care less. Aislin was in between. Aislin preferred everything to be neutral, but at the same time, she also liked darker things and finding others like her was difficult, as many didn't see things the way she did.

"If you want, you could go with me. You seem like me in some ways, and you might benefit from it. The pack is a lax style, but it still has structure and purpose. Besides. It would be nice to have a friend in a pack than try and do the whole thing over again." Aislin offered as she cast her gaze on Qanik. It felt kind of funny to have developed a friend, more or less. It was also a strange feeling too. Aislin was so accustomed to being alone, that having a 'travel buddy' was strange, but pleasant at the same time. "I plan on going by to check it out myself, and see if I can talk to Jupiter and get accepted. It's better than staying alone anywhere." Aislin pointed out, as Qanik was not in as good of shape as Aislin was which told her Qanik wasn't accustomed to being a loner like Aislin was. It wasn't like Aislin was fat or anything like some pack wolves could get. Aislin was skinny as any lone wolf was, though Qanik was thinner than she.

"616 words."