
We raise the fire high tonight


11-19-2013, 12:39 PM

The winter months had come quickly since Vahva had returned to ala. She had kept her return discrete, not that many knew her anyway. Her mother and father weren't exactly famous. Night a healer of Valhalla who had accidentally gotten high and mated with Sani. When they moved......Night had died. And Vahva came to Valhalla only to feel the strike of Glaciem and leave for another year. And return with more experience than ever. She was queen, and she wouldn't be joining her family, since she couldn't handle the feeling of being the one with no power. Not being the one others depended on, or listened to. Though, she had heard plenty of stories. Now she had her mind made up, she would keep it secret aside from a few. She'd be notifying Valhalla and their allies of her plans. Her aunt Rivaxorus was in Seracia. She figured it was a good a place as any to start.
The border of the range looked the same as always. Covered in snow, as the lady kept her head above her shoulders. No longer used to keeping it at a bow. Though she straightened herself, lowering it a bit. These were not her lands, and respect was everything. The experienced red eyed lady let out a clean summoning howl for the queen or king of this land. Preferably to queen though, she had problems dealing with males at the moment. Just because of her trauma. Lowering her head, she waited. She was not here to join, she was here to notify the packs of what she was doing. And that if she won, that they would have to be on the look out. If she lost, perhaps, only perhaps, would she think about joining one of the packs, that in which she was not certain.
