

Elysia I


11-19-2013, 09:45 PM

What a wonderful view it was up here on this old structure. It's stairs hard as rock but somehow different. Sea foam green eyes scanned the horizon gleefully. What a place! She could easily use this to her advantage one day, able to see anyone coming or going from miles away from here, to spot out prey. She shook her earthen pelt, excitement coursing through her. She wondered if there were caves below it. Perhaps it could make a good hide out. Movement caught the corner of her eye and she turned to watch a dark figure come to her new playground. She laid down at the top, flattening herself down, head upon her paws.

As the other came closer she studied the other wolf, they seemed nervous. Elysia guessed this place could be unnerving, if you didnt have a King like her's who always watched out for you. She shivered at the thought of Kus, her love, her adore. But seeing this other wolf had her feelings stirring too. When was the last time she had allowed herself to get close to another or more physical and mental level? Sure her brother was out there, with his new found love and Demoino was within a pack, but they were the only ones she had. She longed to have her own companion, one of her own species. Maybe she would bring this wolf with her to Kus? Surely he'd understand her body would desire to connection she needed with one of her own. She was a wolf, social by nature and meant to be around others. But of course this wolf would need to be a female, Kus would not allow a male of any kind near her. He had marked her, claimed her. Honestly she was proud of it too, knowing she was his first wolf. As the other came to a stop, Elysia leapt to her paws. Tail raised high above her back before she charged down the steps.

It was not threatening, but pure excitement that was evident in her body language. But in her hast to get to the bottom and greet the other, her paws slide on the steps, tangling themselves and falling on nothing but air. Her small frame came crashing down the last seven steps in a heap of fur with grunts and a small hissing snarl. She head hurt, ribs ached, and paws and legs felt like they were almost ripped from her body. Not to mention how incredibly dizzy she was now. She groaned softly and opened her eyes to see the paws of the other. With a sly and weak grinned she looked up.
