
We raise the fire high tonight



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-20-2013, 10:01 AM (This post was last modified: 11-20-2013, 10:02 AM by Epiphron.)

The call that rang across the lands was unfamiliar and the sound, perhaps instinctively, made the fur on the back of her neck bristle and sent a shiver down her spine. Epiphron was content to live in a Kingdom that was mostly peaceful and quiet, interrupted only by the briefest scuffles of children and little more; the pregnant Queen had yet to lose the anxiety that seemed permanently embedded in the deepest cracks of her soul, and she couldn't help but feel initially alarmed at a stranger's beckon.

Slowly the woman would pull herself onto all fours, once again feeling the burdensome weight of children pulling her to the earth, begging her to stay and rest. But she would ignore the silent pleas of her body and approach the border with a regality that she knew few could match. Tail would curl in a delicate arch over her back, and her eyes would ignite with a feigned sort of passion that made those blue orbs of hers glimmer and shine.

The stranger was entirely unfamiliar, and so she would be cautious as she drew herself closing, halting yards away from the unknown female. She did not seem at all submissive, and she figured that she was not looking for shelter from the winter's harsh winds and cold. Her nose would wrinkle, but a humble nod would be given, tail sweeping in a long swish behind her as she greeted her. "What brings you to the Kingdom of Seracia?" Greetings would be offered after she offered an explanation -- and Epiphron was truthfully rather lax in what she considered a decent excuse to enter her home, for she new trespasses with ill intentions would be punished harshly and quickly, and that few were a true threat to her family.