


11-20-2013, 08:08 PM

He had been hanging back, watching as the war raged around him. Countless Valhallans were engaged in combat with the opposing pack and its allies. Wolves from both sides from falling, but it was hard to keep track of what side was winning the most. But as the battle raged on, it was becoming apparent that Valhallans were quickly loosing the upper hand; their numbers hadn't been nearly enough to overwhelm the enemy and now his pack was suffering for it. The ivory knight could've easily jumped in and aided his fellow packmates, but none of their battles seemed grave enough to where they needed immediate rescue. Demonio was wary to jump in right away, needing to find the right fight and of course good motivation; and it wasn't long before the opportunity arose.

He had scanned the crowd, searching for Chrysanthe's familiar figure. He knew that she would be here; she wouldn't let her pack fight without their leader. She was a good fighter he knew that almost instinctively, but he hadn't expected her to become gravely injured. The white man witnessed her battle against the silver enemy queen. Everything had been going good until Chrys miscalculated, allowing the silver wench to dig her teeth into his best friend's beautiful blue eye. The russet faced queen's cry of pain ripped through the alabaster brute like a knife. He watched in stunned silence as she collapsed to the floor, unconscious from the pain. A similarly coated she-wolf would appear to take Chrysanthe off to safety moments later but the damage was done. A burning hot inferno of rage came to life inside of the white brute, coiling and burning inside of him white hot. That bitch had hurt his best friend and now she was going to pay with her blood.

With a snarl etched across his porcelain features, the beast would charge forward, powerful haunches propelling him forward. Ears would flatten against his skull completely, bi-colored eyes narrowing to slits as his skull would tilt downwards to tuck against his chest in protection of his throat. Plume would become streamline with his spine for balance, shoulders rolling forward to scrunch the loose skin towards his neck for added protection. Toes would be splayed evenly, talons digging into the soil for traction, weight evenly distributed between all four limbs. Knees would be slightly bent to lower his center of gravity as he charged the woman head on. She was going to pay for what she did to his best friend. As he neared her, his right shoulder would be pushed forward, right knee bending to accommodate, to act as a battering ram, looking to slam his right shoulder into the upper part of the right side of her chest to inflict severe bruising and to hopefully set her balance off. At the same time his skull would snap around to the right, ivory jaws agape in an attempt to hook his upper canines into the woman's right eye to potentially blind her, lower jaws closing in to attempt to pierce her right cheek.

Demonio vs. Argent for Maim

Round 1 of 2

Attack:s he neared her, his right shoulder would be pushed forward, right knee bending to accommodate, to act as a battering ram, looking to slam his right shoulder into the upper part of the right side of her chest to inflict severe bruising and to hopefully set her balance off. At the same time his skull would snap around to the right, ivory jaws agape in an attempt to hook his upper canines into the woman's right eye to potentially blind her, lower jaws closing in to attempt to pierce her right cheek.

Defense:Ears would flatten against his skull completely, bi-colored eyes narrowing to slits as his skull would tilt downwards to tuck against his chest in protection of his throat. Plume would become streamline with his spine for balance, shoulders rolling forward to scrunch the loose skin towards his neck for added protection. Toes would be splayed evenly, talons digging into the soil for traction, weight evenly distributed between all four limbs. Knees would be slightly bent to lower his center of gravity as he charged the woman head on.

Injuries: None yet

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