
Let me escape this delusion of mine



11-20-2013, 08:26 PM

How dare they. He had offered them food, water, shelter, protection and they had turned him down? He would not take this easily, the power hungry man within him would not allow it. If they wanted to play the hunting game, he would fully wrap himself into the hunt. His first target? The little white girl with gleaming yellow eyes. Her name he did not know, but he did not need it- her looks were enough to suck him in. She reminded him of a woman he had met many years ago, and though they would never be exactly the same he could at least attempt to fill one of the voids within him.

Ghostly pale blue eyes rolled over her bodice as he stalked effortlessly toward her. His defenses were set into place as if he was on a deadly hunt for prey. Ears were folded, eyes squinted, lips curled, knees were bent, his body was lowered to the ground almost low enough for his belly to touch, his claws extended and retracted as he gripped the earth with splayed toes. Tail gently swayed from side to side as his pupils widened to the size of saucers. Today she would be his.

Suddenly he was off, body erupting from the earth as the man threw himself forward with one quick push off his powerful back legs. Paws kissed the earth effortlessly, and as they did he would again aim to pounce toward her- except this time he was aiming to land upon her. He was aiming to slam himself into her body head on, and if he were to succeed with a powerful shove he would then attempt to slam her into the ground. If he were to miss he would quickly pivot toward her and pounce at her again. He would going for the kill now. "Speech"

OOC: He is attempting to slam himself into her then slam her into the ground. If he misses he will quickly turn the way she does and try again. ^.^ he is not trying to kill her, just simply pin her down.