
What I Believe In


11-21-2013, 12:04 AM

Head would lower at the man's reply, he did not like the snow, the snow and cold wasn't for wolves like him... What did the mean? Was his fur thinner than it looked, too harsh for him? But then an obvious answer floated on over, if she was correct when she looked at him, he was blind. He couldn't rely on his sight like most, had to work on focusing on scent and sound, the vibrations given off by every living creature, ending small waves up the paws. But if that was true, we did he stay here? Why didn't he go to warmer regions where hunting would be easier? So many questions flooded her little mind, but because she was respectful, the girl would not ask.

A question he would ask in return, did she like it? Head would turn away, orbs looking at the tin blanket of snow covering the ground. So far she did, the way the lakes fell from the sky, gently falling, she thought it was beautiful. With the war and other things going on, it was hard for the girl to linger on one emotion for long, so she had bottled them up, not allowing herself to feel angry, sad or worried, just numb. Ina way the cold would make her feel something different, the ice, tingling in her paws, it gave her something else to think about. Survival. "So far... yes." She would finally answer softly, not quite a whisper. "The way the flakes fall and cover the land, it is beautiful. But at the same time it's dangerous, the cold can freeze your body, mess up your senses..." Was this getting a bit dark?

With a deep breath she would look over at the man, an ear folding back against her head as he moved a bit closer but still kept his guard up. "I'm Seraphine..." With another here she couldn't think what she usually did, felt like the man could somehow pry into her thoughts, listen.


Awesome table by Raii <3