
Bad Luck



03-15-2013, 02:36 PM (This post was last modified: 03-15-2013, 02:37 PM by Domovei.)
Domovei felt his heart beating rapidly in his chest, ears perked attentively as the stranger spoke. His lips remained curled, revealed stained yellow fangs, his displeasure worn on his sleeve for all the world to see. He knew that his emotions were rather easy to read -- his brother never failed to notice, and point out, when was Domovei was upset or angry -- but this female seemed to know far more than he wished she did. Somehow, she knew he was searching for something. Was it really so obvious? Amusement danced on the female's face, laughter visible in her piercing gaze. Her words began to sink into his confused head, his body shifting to keep her in his line of sight. He didn't trust her, and was unwilling to take his vivid emerald stare off her.

"Perite!" The foreign word rolled naturally off his tongue, his tones raspy and pleading. But she continued on, despite his visible desire for her to leave. The words that reached his ears entranced him, but never did his irritation leave his face, and the four limbs he stood upright on were still quivering. "Leave me be, bitch. Do you know Dario? Has my brother sent you here for me?" He prayed silent it was one of his brother's acquaintances, everything would make much more sense then. But he was fairly certain she had never met Dario before, and he certainly had never encountered her, or anyone like her

Despite the anger he portrayed in his curled lips, a low growl beginning to bubble up again from his shallow chest, his tail curled between his legs, flicking ever so slightly in annoyance.

She told him he would regret running, but not a single part of the creature wanted a thing to do with the violet female. Something in the way she watched him made him nervous, made him crave his brother's protection. He wished to be curled against him again, sleeping soundly in the larger male's embrace. The image of his brother's face gave him all the strength he needed.

He turned and kicked off with his back paws, using his small body to propel himself forward. As he went a laugh began to leave his throat, a cackle unleashed ever so quietly. The bitch was strong and big, but that often meant she was slow. Surely she couldn't catch him..