



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-21-2013, 04:34 AM

Of course, things would begin to deteriorate, as one of the prisoners, Satis, came from the shadows. Erani noted her words but didn?t acknowledge her. Eris was the Theta?s priority at the moment, and until the last pup was born, dead or alive, that would remain so. The voice of Caerul would be added to the group, and his rudeness made her frown. Eris produced another stillborn, and Erani?s heart bled for her loss. The next moment Eris was on her paws, snarling at Satis to go to hell. And then she was down again, a third pup making its way to the world beyond the womb. Erani gently nosed the stillborn second born pup away, to join its sibling.

A third new arrival came outside, a male from Tortuga. His offers were unanswered, as Erani studied the third born pup. It lived. A ray of light in the darkness, given a name. Irune Ezra. Erani?s sixth sense said this was the last pup, and she turned to the stillborns, trying to see if they could be revived. Two more had arrived outside. Azalea, and the other prisoner, and Albino female that was obviously another daughter of Isardis. This one seemed distressed to see her still half siblings, and Erani cast her an understanding glance before leaving the two stillborns and checking over Eris and the newborn Irune. Eris would recover well, she felt, and this pup would be strong. If only that strength could mean future peace for Valhalla and Glaciem.

Finally, deep blues turned to the wolves outside, and she stepped forward, head lowered, eyes narrowed. ?All of you, kindly take your hostility elsewhere. This wolf has just borne two stillborn pups, and that is pain enough. Let her enjoy her time with her daughter in peace. When she is well enough to walk, of course she will be leaving for Glaciem. Right now, she must stay for the sake of your newborn sister. It is almost winter, and a newborn wet from birth would die of cold, and of course, your father will find some way to blame Valhalla for nature?s damage. He started a war over his injured pride instead of taking a loss of a simple challenge like an adult wolf and moving on. The battle is over. Save your anger for the next one, nephew, and kindly refrain from giving our guests names they can use when they are either won back or find some way to pass information to a spy.?

Was the healer angry? Yes. She was furious beyond words, but the only hints of that rage were her still gaze and calm voice that somehow sounded colder than ice. ?Satis, Impra, kindly allow these two," She nodded to Azalea and Caerul as she spoke. "to escort you to your dens. Your half sibling is in safe paws until she leaves with her mother. Eris is no prisoner. She has made no blows against us for foolish reasons, and in fact, she helped one of our wolves back before Isardis had Glaciem. This is repayment for that help. Eris, do not allow Satis to put any blame on you should Isardis choose to make more trouble. You didn?t choose to go into labor so close to Valhalla. No one chooses when to give birth. That is Nature?s will alone. I suppose you were trying to find an herb that would strengthen your pregnancy? They wouldn?t grow that far north this time of year.?

Gaze turned to the Tortugan male. "You can help by tracking down a rabbit to get Eris' strength up. I've given her plants to help her milk flow... Lets hope this pup likes to eat a great deal. I believe I saw a warren a ways off outside the borders." Extricating herself from the small den, she peered back in at Eris. "What do you wish to be done with the stillborns? I know it is painful, but they must have a resting place. And names to honor them by." This was a tradition from her birth pack. Stillborn pups were named, and buried, loved even in death. The one litter her Aunt Adania had borne had all been stillborn, and had been honored with names, and given burials of the highest honor. They had been children of Alphas.