
Let me escape this delusion of mine



11-21-2013, 11:55 AM

Success. He had landed on top of her, and had managed to shove her to the ground. He now stood above her, toes flexing as he attempted to dig his claws into her shoulders. This seemed to be the easiest way to pin the mutts down, so he would depend on it to keep her still. If she were to squirm he would attempt to rip inwards then outwards in order to slice her shoulders and do damage. Lips curled into a devilish smirk, the ends twitching with amusement. His pupils widened to the size of saucers, and it took all his willpower not to kill her. He had just pounced on his prey, and he couldn't even kill her yet. "You." He would almost whisper as his jaws spread to release a masculine roar. He was hoping that at such a close proximity he could scare her further. "I believe you belong to me. You are a former Amenti member, and when Canttina died she handed your soul over to a better cause, and despite my generous nature, you denied me. I promised a bounty didn't I?" He could remember her face, she had been at the meeting and she couldn't deny it. He had given her the option to come, and she had denied it. Now he was here for her head. "You have two options snowflake. You could come with me and allow me to swear you into my kingdom, then you are free to go and roam where you wish," He would pause for a moment then continue. "Or you could clench your eyes shut and try not to scream when I kill you. Sorry baby, but the only way out of this is death." Words would end with an eerie deep chuckle. What would she say hmm? Would she fight, or would she give in?