
everything falls


11-21-2013, 04:15 PM

He was lost, so utterly lost and confused. With a sigh he would lean into her, wishing they could meld their bodies totally together - as one unit. Another sigh as she told him they would figure it out. If they hadn't already how could she promise him it would happen? How could she tell him that they would figure it out? There was simply no way. He shook his head, he knew his thoughts were growing increasingly dark. They shouldn't be that way - he should be happier than this, more stable than this. He tried to calm himself, drawing in breath after slow breath to clear his mind. Slowly but surely the worries dissolved - but they would always be there, always. She would recommend they rest, that the children didn't need to see them this way. He couldn't object. With a nod of his head he would press forward, his paws moving toward a den he had used a few times before - when he couldn't make it all the way home. ?There's a den up ahead, it'll be tight but it will work for a rest.? He continued, keeping his bodice close to hers - he needed her now more than ever.
