
Enjoying Your Cage?


11-21-2013, 07:16 PM

The ebony bitch once more was drawn to the Northern landscape, for no matter how much she enjoyed her life as a loner once more, memories of her beloved Canttina would never cease to plague her. These caverns, however, were interesting. They had earned the title 'Lifeless' and it seemed worthy enough as to draw the sultry shadow into their sensuous darkness. Something about caves was always attractive to the petite dame. Maybe it was the total darkness, their enveloping embrace? Whatever it was, she seemed to find the most sex whenever she found herself inside one. Hopefully this time would not be disappointing, since she was starting to long for another's body alongside hers. Her body was so easy to use for attention, as it was almost flawless. It's only marring being the diagonal scar upon her snout, one she had received fighting in the war at her lovely Queen's demands. And how had the beautiful daemon repayed her? By throwing herself off a cliff into certain death. She had spent much time alone, shedding silent tears. She would never let her heart be claimed again, from now on her love was not even hers, it belonged to no one and that was how it would stay. The sultry shadow wandered about this place, breathing in the dank air and adoring the comforting darkness around her.
