
War Pigs


11-21-2013, 07:40 PM

He wasn?t going to listen. Did he not realize that it would be her personal mission to make his life hell if he dared to join? Vyvienne was a child, yes, but she was half grown. Her six months had seen her to twenty one inches tall, and although that was no adult size, it meant she was edging closer to it. It made her confident, to see inches slowly fading between herself and others, and perhaps too confident. She was about a foot shorter than the man in front of her, but to her that was no distance at all. For a moment she prepared herself for battle. Muscles tensed, instinct making her hackles raise, jaws parting and lips peeling back to reveal her teeth, eyes narrowing and ears pinned, her body lowering. All of this had been observed at her father?s fighting lessons, and now she was applying it herself.
Her sister?s voice spoke of defiance, however, and Vyvienne would not tolerate that. Acidic gaze settled upon the smaller girl, tail lashing dangerously behind her. The flash of ivory was all that the chocolate-painted girl needed. She felt rage engulf her, blind and controlling, and she resolved to put Sevan back into her place. Don?t you fucking dare give me attitude she thought. She hoped to be on Sevan?s left, seeking to pounce and hopefully slam her right shoulder behind the girl?s left shoulder, hoping to plow her larger form into the other girl. Right paw had lifted before this leap, and sought to pin her right foot on top of Sevan?s left. Vyvienne was hoping to be in a ?v? form with her younger sister, hopefully reaching her right paw under the girl when she pounced. The purpose of this? To attempt to cause stress on the other?s shoulder by trying to pin her leg and shove her body in the opposite direction.
At the same time her jaws ambitiously sought to snap for Sevan?s left ear, not certain if it was in her reach or not, but inexperience making her desire the area. Vyvienne desired to rip the appendage in half, to give her litter mate just a reminder of who she was dealing with here. Perhaps this wasn?t fair at all; the amazon?s temper was not at her sister, but at the filth that was invading her territory, at her father who allowed such filth to have a rank over her own head. And yet, a demonstration of her capabilities on somebody that she actually loved seemed like the best way to get the message across. I will run you all out, one way or another. If she could do this to those she loved, then they could only imagine what she would do to those she hated.