
my kingdom come [DM]


11-21-2013, 07:52 PM
OOC;; POST IN THIS ORDER PLEASE AND THANKS: First Ares and Devya post, then Artemis and Codeine are welcome. Morphine next, then anyone else is welcome to creep on in!!

Today was the day.

Cryptically he had requested that Devya and Ares meet him here. He had told no other Tortugan wolves of his plans as he crept away in the early morning, reaching the battlefield as the sun's first light touched the earth. He had spent weeks contemplating this decision, debating the pros and cons. Ultimately, Seraphim decided seeing his children was worth more to him than his life, regardless of whether they wanted to see him or not.

Knowing that Ares had been in Tortuga and having to avoid him had been the most torturous of things. Avoiding his son meant also avoiding Devya, the young girl who had stolen his attention and his heart when he had come upon her. The hole in his heart had only grown since he had met Eris and lost her as well. Now that Seraphim knew love, he was loathe to lose it without a fight. The feeling had taken hold of his heart and his mind, his whole being. It was dominating his actions even when he wished it away.

The alabaster brute stood silently on the barren land, his face turned to the sky. He released a call for his lost children, Artemis and Codeine, while he waited for Ares and Devya to arrive. He would speak to the latter pair first, separately, before speaking to the others. He counted on Morphine hearing his call and not being far behind to exact her vengeance as she wished.

talk, think