
my kingdom come [DM]


11-21-2013, 08:58 PM

So much time had passed since she had seen her father. She missed him dearly. The pallid brute had appeared, but only to give her cryptic orders that herself and Ares would follow him to the battlefield. It made no sense, he told her nothing, leaving her completely in the dark. And why the battlefield? It was such an odd place to meet. The ebony babe had sought out Ares, explaining their fathers request. And so the pair had set out, not far behind the man.

She had stayed close to Ares's side, uncertainty making her nervous. She found comfort in his touch and had become glued to his side. The stench of blood assaulted her nostrils, bringing a frown to her face. She had never been the battlefield before. It was a terrible sight. Blood stained the ground permanently just as much as it tainted the air. She leaned in closer to Ares, seeking his comfort.

Blue and green pools soon found the form of her father. The girl would break away from the phantom at her side, breaking into a run, colliding gently with her father. "What is the mean of this?!" Tones would demand, eyes wide with worry. Why had he summoned them to such a terrible place? A low slipped from her jaws as the girl buried her face in her fathers neck.
