
mean girls


11-21-2013, 09:45 PM

She would remain curious, and quite a bit suspicious. Argent wanted out of this situation, and while Sendoa agreed with that on some level - she also couldn't help but wonder what had made Argent snap and give up on it all. They were both realistically in the same boat, how had Argent managed to break the hold of the Armada men whilst Sendoa remained imprisoned? A scent would drift toward her, letting her know that Argent spoke the truth - she was indeed pregnant. The children weren't Isardis'. Well, that made more sense, now didn't it. She wanted to go to a river, fake her death and have Sendoa lie for her - on her behalf. That would be difficult - to lie to her brother's face, but it was doable. She had to tell him Argent was dead. So that meant the woman would never return - she would be gone forever. If she didn't plan on it being so permanent she would not have the lie be of her death - but of her loss. It seemed she was going to stay in the south, and Sendoa would nod. ?I will do what I can, but I make no promises to you. Isardis is a man not easily fooled.? and if it comes down to it I won't risk my life for yours. She might feel like she owed Argent something, but that only went so far. She thought to say goodbye to Taurig, but thought better of it. It would be best if she rid herself of his scent in the river where Argent would take her, and then go back to Isardis. ?We should go now,? she would chide, verbally prodding the pregnant Argent to lead her where she willed.
