


11-21-2013, 10:01 PM

So much had happened to cloud her mind and her feelings, and yet there was one single, undeniable truth. It would always be Isardis. Her love for Taurig, however foolish it might be, would always be trumped by that which she held for him. She had done everything she could to rid the cobalt man from her mind, but some part of him would always be there - it was just a part that couldn't hope to compete with the part dominated by Isardis. The angelic man, the beautiful - wonderful child she'd seen blossom before her very eyes. There was none who could possibly compare.

But none of that mattered, because he'd never love her again.

Of this, she was completely sure. He could only assume one of two things. Either she had left of her own accord and betrayed him, or she had been lost - which would be a failure in his eyes. Either way, his love would be tarnished or torn - neither of which truths could she bear. It had been a long walk, though she looked as good as new. She had taken an incredible amount of time to clean her coat of debris, of Taurig's scent, of the soil of Tortuga, of her scent. Nothing remained save for her own flesh and blue - a clean slate was she. Ears were tucked halfway back as her cranium lifted to call him forth - wondering if he'd even be able to answer. In all honesty she knew not whether he would be around. She knew not the outcome of the siege, or even if it still raged as she sang. Her speech was prepared enough that she might not stutter or falter, but not so much that it would appear rehearsed - though her brother's was a keen eye. Carefully she would wait for him outside her once-home, wondering if she'd ever be allowed inside again.
