


03-15-2013, 05:54 PM
I could make this fancy but I'm not going to because I'm lazy so there.

SO, now that Rajani's accepted, I'm looking for some stuff to do with her. IN SUMMARY she's a bitch that just so happens to look pretty. Explosively temperamental, she's an aggressive free-spirit with a somewhat no-nonsense, yet holier-than-though attitude towards other wolves. She's a rogue at the moment, but she'll probably join a pack EVENTUALLY... if they can put up with her. So yeah xD Makes for interesting situations. ANYWAYS.

Friends >> Would be interesting. She's not an open, friendly character, and she's verrryyyyy easily annoyed; I'd say that most wolves piss her off/are pissed off by her. But hey, there are some tolerant souls that she might get along with, and when it comes down to it... she's not really bad bad. It's not like she goes around murdering children or something. She's just a bit... cocky? Anyways.

Lovers >> just kinda are. I'm up for anything - flings, one-night stands, heartbreaks, final loves... whatever. Just throw it at me, really~ Drama is nice, drama is good, and drama is fun. She's bisexual, by the way, so either sex is fine with her~

Enemies >> Are going to happen, most likely frequently. She is a bitch, y'know, and she's not afraid to show it. I imagine that she has/will have a lotttttt of these.

Other >> Just fling things at me, really.