
Do I know this Place? [Arcane/re-joining]


03-15-2013, 07:35 PM

The colors of ebony strutted along a non-existent path. The dark tones of this creature could be spotted form miles away without a doubt. A large form he was, standing at 36 inches. four legs carried this animal, but one seemed dysfunctional. His front right paw showed sign of pain, sign of scarring. The limp his body lead him to do was not severe, but definitely noticeable. The brute stopped for a moment, picking up a new scent; but was it new? The scent was oddly familiar to him; most scents in this land were very familiar after all. A young dame sent him out here, thinking someone would know the old man; so Saix set out to find his lost memories.
Closer to the borders he came, nose low to the ground still holding a limp that looked worse with his nostrils planted on the ground. Scars became noticeable to any wolves that were close to the borders, if there were any at all. Few marks were on his rump, few on his legs, and a large scar stroked down his face just missing his eye and around him maw. It was as if he went through a battle field; no, worse. It looked as though he was attacked by cougars and left to bleed out leaving deep penetrating marks all over the ebony's body. The brute stopped in his tracks, knowing territory was only a few steps away. He closed his eyes for only a moment.
Whatever you come across, do not step foot into territory.
The words of the young female that helped him shouted in his head, so he did only what his instinct lead him to do. Standing tall, he looked around for a sign of life, but the existence was absent. So he lifted his maw up to the skies, and let out a cry for help with little dignity. His head dropped and he attempted to stand straight, but his leg gave out on him and he fell to his chest. He immediately reacted to his loss of balance and picked himself back up but then refused to put pressure back on that foot. The brute waited, his ghostly-ice eyes searching for an approach, the eyes that once Saix had were faded and lost. They were filled with agony, but why was that? The brute wondered, after nine years of life, how could he remember only the last two?
