
Enjoying Your Cage?


11-22-2013, 01:02 PM

"I am in love with the word of death, and the being of it all"

Time had passed since she watched the wretched beast hop off the edge of the cliff. All the remaining members of the old Amenti Womanly pact had scattered and left. While the beast had chosen to stay in the new Amenti. It also meant that she could not leave the bastards clutches. Well she didn't mind, she was adjusting, as much as she could. The insanity was what kept her floating above everyone else. Small cracks in the mind, the brain, where the thoughts were leaking out. The monster had a scar across her snout from the war, and still the one that stretched her muscles against her face into a devious smile. The gray and black wolf saw a pretty though. Something she hadn't seen since those dark nights staining the night with a dark chocolate color. No, it was Raven, the council mistress who didn't seem to like her. But Ryu loved Raven, oh her curves, those odd eyes. All of her, and she wandered how much of her mind had been destroyed by Canttina's death. What emotion had been torn from her heart, and she would never get back? Because, that was no new news to someone like her who had every single logical emotions thwarted out, and thrusted into a blender.
It was nice, none the less to see her however. As she approached, crystal blue eyes wandering over the much smaller form of the lady. "Raven, it's nice to see you!" Ryu had been using her logical pattern of speech a lot lately, since she felt the distrust of pack mates falling over her. That wasn't very fun, not that she cared, but it made things more difficult. As the woman smirked her tail giving a flick. Raven could be bitter, could yell at her all she wanted. The twisted tubes inside the insane monsters head were always working. There was no room to take the insults of others. And life would never take hold of her, not until some non appreciated bastard came to claim her head.
