
my kingdom come [DM]


11-22-2013, 05:31 PM

Sunlight bled into the dark sky to announce a new dawn, painting the sky a canvas of ominous crimsons and goldens that were reminiscent of hellfire ? perfectly suiting the impending event that would serve as a milestone in the cryptic phantom?s life no matter the outcome. The somber summon had reached eager ears and she had reveled in the sound as if it were sweet music, understanding well exactly what would occur because of it. The babe would not hesitate to flee the premises of the ice king?s domain nor would she grant the situation at hand a second thought, anticipation burning her paws and fueling her with waves of energy that urged her limbs to carry her swiftly towards the battlefield where her father lingered, evidently aware of what this interaction would bring: her mother?s merciless wrath. Although she was curious as to what motivated her sire to commit suicide as he was, she would not question the driving force behind his decision, but rather savor it as it happened.

As the silhouetted form of her father developed on the horizon, the wraith would acknowledge the fact that she had not been summoned here alone for two others had also made their presence known ? two others whose company she found less than welcomed. Regardless of her negative standings with the trio, the fiend would saunter with the immaculate poise of an Amazonian as she maneuvered closer to where they were situated, her expression vacant as her pupils wavered from each individual?s face, offering them her indifference for the time being despite the hatred she currently felt towards each: Seraphim ? a man she had been programmed to hate; Devya ? a brat who had convinced two of her blood-relatives to abandon her; and Ares ? her sibling that had betrayed her for reasons untold. Jaw stiffened as her gaze fell upon her brother, hurt strengthened in her heart as she witnessed his second act of betrayal, pupils boring a hole into the back of his skull as he navigated towards their father and buried his snout in the confines of the brute?s flesh; clearly he knew what would become of the man who had hurt their mother.

?They know,? the wraith informed her father as she halted quite a distance away from where the majority resided, breathing jagged as she attempted to contain the expanding fury and sorrow that lurked beneath her exterior. Gaze remained fixated upon he whose life was threatened, metallic and amethyst eyes vacant of emotion unlike the man?s other two children, so obviously distressed with the current situation ? so obviously aware that their father?s chances were bleak. ?They would not be so upset if they believed in you, father.