
Enjoying Your Cage?


11-22-2013, 07:30 PM

A question once more came to the ebony bitch's ears, Ryouta's voice soft and slightly sorrowful. The dual toned giantess' tail would come to rest alongside her own, a gesture of comfort. The dark woman would find her voice lost, drowned among all the unshed tears hiding in her heart. She dove into the abyss in search of it, flooded with pain and emotions and things she simply did not want to face. Finally she found it, and a soft purr fell from her onyx lips. "I do." She murmured, looking away, where the she wolf was not in her vision, nor she in hers, and let tears fall down her pristine obsidian face. Exotic eyes became bright with sorrow, and she felt the agony in her heart from when her Queen threw herself from Cathedral Point, and Raven had been unable to stop her, to show her that she didn't have to do it, that no matter what they would always have each other. Now she was pitifully alone, here, crying in front of Ryouta. She was so weak, so pitiful, so worthless. Tea cupped paws clenched upon the bare rock, talons digging into the stone as she tried to overcome the flood of sorrow and regain her composure.
The loss of her one and only had hit her hard, and she had run from it for so long, between men and women and sex and anything she could find. But here, on this night, in the presence of someone who had loved Canttina almost as much as she had, with only the stars and the full moon, memories were too strong to ignore.
