
There was a welp within the grass


11-22-2013, 11:03 PM

"I am in love with the word of death, and the being of it all"

Ryu backed up a bit in surprise to the larger female. Her sudden thoughts kicked at her, she had forgotten that she didn't hurt pups. Well, she didn't forget, she just didn't realize she was scaring the smaller one. She was naturally this way, and after easily sizing up the other Fae. Her steps stumbled backwards, in graceful strides she took two steps back. Her crystal eyes turning towards the small pup. Was this the mother, no they didn't look alike apart from those black sections upon it. She was still smiling however, she couldn't stop. "I sorry for scaring, just usually that way!" She giggled rearing her rump in the air at the pup. Looking at the female, as she raised her body once more licking her chops once with a slightly wagging tail.
"Are you this welps mother?" She asked, dearly curious. After all a stranger protecting a pup was not uncommon. But it was odd for Ryu since she had somewhat of a mother complex when it came to pups. Ever since her siblings, where she cared about them sooo much. They were probably dead though, and the way they looked at her when they practically disowned her had torn at her heart strings.
