
Tainted Sin


11-23-2013, 05:01 AM

Little boy you say, hm? Be careful where you tread, wench. You'll regret ever coming face to face with the crimson demon. she smirked, Wench? Maybe that is right, I have my fair share of fun, but I'm guessing that your just a beginner, you look so innocent. Just then she saw the jaws coming in for her throat, she leapt out of the way, but she stumbled, a careless mistake. Her body over-balanced. She knew she was going to fall, there was nothing she could do about it. It was not too high, so there wouldn't be much damage. She felt her body go weightless as she tumbled off the edge, she had been in a decent position as she fell, so all she had to do was straighten her legs.

As the ground rushed up to meet her, she would bend her legs, almost embrace the impact. She hit the ground and her she bent her legs with the fall. A pain shot through her ankle, she would not let it show. She looked down and moved it a little, it was not broken, just twisted. Not that bad, she had dealt with worse. She looked up to him and smiled, then just to piss him off by showing she was not hurt all that badly, she gave a delicate bow. Dear me, no wonder you're alone out here, no one must want to be with you with manners like that. She gave him a mock disapproving stare and then grinned.
