


11-23-2013, 06:35 AM

The demonic beast would hiss and snarl as he felt teeth attempt to latch around his hind leg. Like the practiced assassin he was he snaked his leg from her grasp and kicked her away. He was the victor here, and there was no other way around it. He rapidly twisted to face her once more, teeth seeking to deal lethal damage as her own grasped the skin on his lower chest when he moved to turn. But alas, he had already won. Snaking forward he would deliver a final bite to her scruff and dig his teeth in, grabbing enough skin folds to press her to the earth for a brief moment before lifting his head to toss her away. A small portion of his fur going with her as he twisted away from the losing opponent. Aqua gaze searched around for signs of his brother, but it seemed he had yet to show. A ceaseless growl rumbled the pits of his chest, the dark beast on high alert, now thirsty for more blood after his victory. He felled two opponents, and now he wanted more.

-Fight With Azalea Starts In Second Paragraph-

The male was smart to keep his defenses in place. In war, there was no room for mistakes. His defenses remained firmly in place; ears pinned, tail firmly tucked to protect vital spots, head lowered over his throat, eyes narrowed as they surveyed the field, hackles raised, scruff bunched, shoulders rolled forward to protect his vital core, muscles tensed and rigid, toes splayed, jaws agape and ready for any retaliation should someone decide to attack him, his chin tucked slightly, and his features contorted into a gruesome beast from ones worst nightmares.

He turned his frontal half of his body half way, surveying the field of battle. A wry grin would grace his dark features as he noted that the enemy was losing. Pathetic weaklings... He scoffed at the Valhallans, oh how his dear brother had chosen the wrong side. They would lose, already the Alphess was down and out, others meeting the same fate as she. He rumbled with the joy of seeing and smelling the blood around him. His eyes falling upon his victorious king, and he wondered if Isardis would be pleased with him and possibly promote him for the good and dirty work he had accomplished. It was in those thoughts that he had not heard the dual toned fae approach, it wasn't until he had made to move forward that he felt teeth clasp around his right hind ankle, the action of his hind leg lifting in that motion that caused her intended attack to miss her target...sort of. The attack of her teeth would leave skin-deep cuts, causing his foot to return to the ground and bringing him into a new blood curdling rage. The grasp she had on his hind ankle only fueled him, he began to turn towards his left, and in that motion he would lift his hind left leg to aim an attempted clawed toe pointed kick to her left eye. His legs were squared for balance as he did so, and then he would finish his leftward turn, jerking his foot forward from her grasp as it wasn't as secure as she had hoped nor had it landed where she initially intended.

With cold calculating eyes and vicious attempts, he knew better then to go for a cold and vicious tearing of flesh at her exposed abdomen. He knew that Isardis' spawn were brewing within the depths of her womb, and he wanted to watch her writhe in pain later when it was time to bear them. Instead, upon finishing his turn to face her, his jaws would open wide to cause a lethal bite to her face. Lower jaws sought to grasp underneath her own jaws, potentially seeking to sink lower canines into the lower thinner part underneath her mouth?(That thin part of skin underneath a dogs jaw see ref below), while the top portion of his jaws sought to sink into the upper part of her face; upper canines seeking to hopefully sink into her left eye in an attempt to blind her. He wanted to taste blood, he craved the metallic taste of his enemies, and he would show no mercy to those who opposed his kingdom.

Fight Stats

Round: 1/1 For Dominance/blinding in left eye?

Defenses: Before Aza's attack: ears pinned, tail firmly tucked to protect vital spots, head lowered over his throat, eyes narrowed as they surveyed the field, hackles raised, scruff bunched, shoulders rolled forward to protect his vital core, muscles tensed and rigid, toes splayed, jaws agape and ready for any retaliation should someone decide to attack him, his chin tucked slightly//after Aza's attack: Weight is evenly distributed along with previously stated defenses.

Attacks: Aims a pointed toe kick with his left hind foot to her left eye, then when he pulls from her grasp and turns to face her, he aims his jaws to cause a lethal bite to her face. Lower jaws sought to grasp underneath her own jaws, potentially seeking to sink lower canines into the lower thinner part underneath her mouth?(That thin part of skin underneath a dogs jaw see ref below), while the top portion of his jaws sought to sink into the upper part of her face; upper canines seeking to hopefully sink into her left eye in an attempt to blind her.

Injuries: From this fight; skin deep cuts on his ankle

Out Of Character Notes: Eh, I chose one round because things are VERY hard right now...emotionally and mentally what with my mom and her muse has sort of left me...I was hardly able to do this post at all >.>
Here's the ref: The part his lower jaws/canines are aiming to bite is about where the hand is on the bottom part; -Ref

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think