
Moving In



Extra small
11-23-2013, 10:18 AM

The meaning behind the words spoken by the king would prove to have a far more volatile meaning than it was likely for him to have been persistent about, but alas--he had relied on taking to her loyalty and growing her into something remarkable. To refuse his kindness was a severe offense and he merely flickered his maw towards her, "Sevan, Meinx--Escort her out," however they chose to do so was by their own doing. Nails lazily clicked against the stone as he twisted and turned and his eyes fell on the approaching figure of Eos. A low growl was what he prefered his reaction to be, and yet she had come to him--standing there he had nothing to truly say; nothing that she would fully be able to understand.. Admittedly, while his was more chaotic; he did have more a heart than she, "You left," the accusation was clear and cold and harsh, and this was not the place to converse these things with her.

"Then don't bow, Vyvienne. You are to be my heir if you prove yourself. I may be yours, but your loyalty needs to be mine," the words that fell from his chords were clear. I know you're the strongest. and how could one argue with that? Meinx, Sevan, Syren, and Cynder were all incredibly strong assailants; but it was Vyvienne he was putting the most faith in for the task he longed to prepare her for--leadership. However, it was not by her attitude alone that he would select her. he had many other factors to look at, and when the time came he would choose who had been the most involved. She could not shove them off.

"Amenti will follow me....those that wish to disperse--do so now." the words were mostly meant for Eos, however, anyone else could take to them if they wished to. He wanted to see how she would play this out, for his faith in her was a dwindling and fleeting things. After all, he had sought her out above all else. Shoulders rolled, body turned, and the king was exeunted.