
Moving In


11-23-2013, 06:24 PM

The bickering between her children alone was enough to twist her grazed mind into a dramatic cringe of distaste, the stretched nipples they had left her also had accompanied a life-times worth of headaches. Her body would remain rigid, and her skull confidently high, hackles bristling as she would threaten to stray a few steps closer upon Syrinx' realization of her presence. Lips curled upwards as she would weave her way between two unfamiliar's, teeth bared as pale gaze would pierce them with a warning of relentless self defense. She might not have held a place here, but she was a warrioress who served loyal to a false dominance no matter the turf she stood. Syrinx, perhaps, was the one exception.

SEvan would confornt her with an apparent disbelief. Wasn't the memory of a child such a fickle thing? Eos spent every day filling their soured stomachs with the milk of her prosper until the day they were weaned; even if it was, in some oppinions, slightly early. But they would never come to appreciate it would they? Vyvienne was a mess, her strong personality seeming to have blossomd even more so since her tender age. Eos no longer held any care for claiming motherhood over her, and perchance the others, when her tongue so effortlessly out-spoken her tiny body and it's limited abilities. She would stand, defensive and yet somewhat aloof, "Yes." Were the only lyrics sultry tones would gift her daughter, interests residing in Syrinx as he would speak. She remained somewhat void, however her skull bowed to him in a mild show of her scruff, " As I will again."