
Kicking Up Seaspray


11-23-2013, 10:48 PM
OOC;; Aislin isn't claiming, but more or less in for the fun of it :3 It's yall whatever you wanna do :D
"Just because she doesn't smell like we had sex in a while, doesn't mean she isn't mine. Besides - you are sitting under a whale corpse. Surely the stench has gotten your nose messed up. It surely has mine all funkified." Aislin was glad the female got the message and then relaxed by leaning into her more, and in response Aislin did the same and wrapped her tail around the brown females toes, to try and make the ruse more believable. It was kind of entertaining, this ruse, that she had thought of within the last couple of moments quickly, and it could be useful for later times. However, it seemed the ruse wasn't working all that well on the one male wolf, as he verbally confirmed it. A sigh escaped her lips and as if mentally putting a hand to the face in frustration, she lifted her paw and hid her eyes for a moment. "Okay you see, here is the problem. Obviously this woman doesn't wish to go with you, and it's not right to force a girl like her to go with you. Yeah, goody two shoes talk, but I mean come on. Who would want to go with you with a face like yours anyway?" This was now a challenge. With Aislin now standing tall in front of the female, she bulked up her muscles and lowered her head some in a challenging gesture. He was bigger than her. Sure. She was more nimble however. Not to mention there were two wolves here, and not just one against him."Won't need to know his name after I kicked his ass. He would be too embarrassed to give it out. But since I will be giving you the ass whooping you have been begging for, you should know the gifter. I am Aislin D'Toula."

Aislin's hackles rose knowing that there was no way this guy was backing down. His very aura seeped from him and gave her goosebumps, but it has been way too long since she last had a fight that was worth while - or even got her adrenaline going. The orange eyes she had set on Sebastian glowed even brighter now with the aspect of a potential fight. Not to mention the fact that she could use the whale as leverage, though it's own body could cave in from even her leaping onto it. However, with the fact that it was so massive, and that the scent was so strong, that perhaps she could use it on this 'battlefield' for the time being. Aislin could tell that the brown female was also gauging for a fight as she watched her body language change in response to the male out of her peripheral vision. "I'll give you a warning. You're big. I'm not. You're strong. I'm not. But I can out-step you better than you can bring the biggest game in the land down, and I will wear you out faster than you can call for your momma. Not to mention your fat ass will slow you down from your size. You got two against one here - get your brain to be bigger than your balls and step off".

538 words